Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 in total
005: What if...
In this episode Katie, Jess, and Robin answer a few vital questions like "what if there were no teachers?" and "do we really need that many dudes named Chris?"
004: Where is the Best?
Where is the best place to live? Do you prefer aisle or window? How many is too many helicopter crashes? In this episode of Is It Okay, Jessica, Robin, and Katie will ...
003: Which Witch?
It's #WitchTeamAlpha month, and in this episode of "Is It Okay," Jessica, Robin, and Katie Tregs are finally answering all the questions you have about witches. How ma...
002: This is the Point
What is the point of life, Minecraft, or box springs? Jessica, Robin, and Katie answer these questions and more in Episode 2 of “Is It Okay”
001: It's Okay
Welcome to Episode 1 of “Is it Okay” Bitch Team Alpha’s new podcast where we answer the questions that Google could probably also answer! What should we autofill next?